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AMSOIL Has The Products to Meet Your Needs  

One of the many attributes that sets AMSOIL apart from so many other lubricant manufacturers is the fact that they develop products for specific applications.  There is no ‘carte blanche’ of lubricants.  While many will make a motorcycle oil, AMSOIL targets each application of motorcycle to meet the needs of the owners, i.e. 10W-30, 10W-40, 20W-50 for street cruisers, dual-sport, dirt, or metric.  Also Scooter Oil, ATV/UTV, Synthetic Chaincase & Gear Oil, wet clutch or dry.  That is but one example of narrowing down specific products engineered for specific needs.  You won’t find that kind of research and engineering in today’s volume dealers.


Motor Oils to cover all applications…

Aerosols to meet all your needs…


Match the AMSOIL products for your particular vehicle application. 

Auto and Light Truck Look-Up………… 

PowerSports Look-Up………..

Small Engine Look-Up……….

Vintage Vehicle Look-Up………

Heavy Duty Look-Up………

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Down-loadable Catalog Available.  Select the catalog icon above to download an electronic version of the AMSOIL Retail Catalog and save to your computer or mobile device.  You can then browse it anytime from home or on the go at your convenience.  If you prefer a hard copy mailed to your address, no problem.  Click here and provide your mailing address and a catalog will be sent to you.  Your time, your way!!